

SOS!! We had to pause our TNR. With the increased cost of vetting each animal and several expensive medical cases, our funds are nearly depleted. After next week, we have to cancel our upcoming appointments.

We spay and neuter 15+ animals a week in NYC. The Queens ASPCA closed last fall, so we must rely on private vets. The cost increase is unsustainable and we need your help.

It has been a heartbreaking kitten season so far. Last Sunday, 12 kittens and 3 moms came to us in a single day. Almost all need medical care and we are a small organization. Even if we send kittens to larger organizations for adoption, we must get them healthy first.

PLEASE help us continue our work. The cats need you.Please donate and share. Thank you!


This is Snowy, and she needs your help! This little girl showed up at a colony one day where someone noticed she was having trouble breathing and had a head tilt. Turns out poor Snowy is deaf AND has a polyp. Her rescuer is taking her off the streets for good. The city streets are not a safe place for a deaf cat. But now she needs help saving her life. Snowy needs surgery to remove the polyp so she can breathe normally again. It’s expensive. But with rescue discounts, we think it’s doable. But we need your help. We need to raise $1,322 to cover the cost of the surgery and pre-surgery labs. Any donation will helps. Help us save Snowy’s life.

For Animals is a 501(c)3 registered non-profit animal welfare organization based in NYC.