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More about FosteringApply to become a volunteer
Become a volunteer

Help Us Help the Animals

We are a 100% volunteer run organization, and rely on volunteers like you to operate. If you would like to make a difference in one or more of the following ways, please fill out the Volunteer Inquiry form at the end of this section.

Open Your Home

Fostering Saves Lives

Our foster program allows us to rescue even more animals than our shelter can hold, while the animals get additional socialization and individualized attention. Foster families greatly impact the life of an animal in the short term while waiting to find a permanent home. Fostering saves lives and we have a fantastic and extensive Foster network. 

Saving Lives

Volunteer Opportunities


Our private shelter in Queens, NY, needs animal lovers to help socialize and care for the friendly cats and kittens we rescue during TNR efforts. Spend time grooming, petting and playing with our kittens and adult cats in a multi-cat community room. Help socialize our kittens by getting them used to human contact so they become adoptable. Our shelter is a short walk from the Lefferts stop on the A train.


Love to watch cat videos? Want to make cute cat videos AND help cats find forever homes?

We always need volunteers to help with creating social media content.  Primarily, this means we need someone to make promo videos to attach to the cats’ online profiles. Making these videos usually requires piecing together video clips and still photos provided by the fosters or shelter volunteers to make a short (about 30secs) video promoting the cat. The material we receive is of varying quality, and the challenge is to turn it into an appealing video.

You do not need any experience with professional video editing software.  The popular social media platforms all have editing features that are sufficient for these purposes.

If you can post just once a week, that could make a real difference in the life of cat.


Interested in graphic design?

We need help creating promotional materials like handouts, educational fliers, and infographics. Sometimes this might mean helping with graphics for a fundraiser on social.


Want to help us fundraise?

We need someone with marketing skills who wants to help create and organize fundraising campaigns.

If you have additional skills that you would like to put to a good use, such as graphic design, marketing, writing,  journalism or photography/videography, please let us know!

Additional Opportunities

We need help in transporting kitties from our shelter in Queens to their new homes, foster homes or vet appointments. We also require transport help during medical emergencies. This may involve dropping off or picking up a kitty to or from the vet and sometimes it can be just as simple as dropping off meds to a foster family.

If you have a vehicle and would like to help out, please contact us. We have the carriers, cloths and other essentials – all we need is your driving skill and kindness.

Grant Writer

As a non-profit, all our funding comes through donations from supporters and at times through outside agencies – and there is quite a lot of competition for the latter. If you have experience in grants writing, preparing grant proposals and grants applications, please contact us. You’d also have to manage grant deadlines, file supplemental materials as needed (which we’ll provide you with) and identify +  develop strategies to optimize the grants administration process.

Trap-Neuter-Return TNR Coordinator (Experienced)

If you already have experience in this, please contact us. You can help reduce the number of feral cats in your community by trapping them and bringing them to our veterinary partners to be spayed or neutered. Once recovered, you will release the feral cats back to their colonies and find foster or permanent homes for the socialized cats.